Home > How to > Where do I go to get parental rights taken away?

Where do I go to get parental rights taken away?

I don’t need advice just answers.
It doesn’t get any sorrier than this guy. He didn’t sign the birth certificate and their are no blood tests proving he is the father.

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  1. The Raenizzler
    June 27, 2010 at 11:08 am

    You need to take him to court and have the court make him sign over his rights.

  2. sweetie
    June 27, 2010 at 11:41 am

    If he didn’t sign the birth certificate then he has no paternal rights to the child in the court of law. So there is nothing to take away. You can get a restraining order to get him to stay away but that’s all there is to do and you cant get child support unless he is proven to be the father and if you want child support you would have to go through child custody as well.

  3. sevenofus
    June 27, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    The courts do not take parental rights away very easily. It takes quite a bit of investigation and it is not unusual for the legal system to be in your business a lot more than you might want, even though you are the mom. In general, when a baby is born to unmarried parents, the baby is considered to be in full custody of the mother. If the parents are in a relationship and they both agree that he is the father than he typically has rights such as being able to take the baby to the doctor and signing legal documents. Things get complicated when the couple is not in a relationship. If he isn’t pushing for parental rights such as visitation or partial custody than your best course of action is to just distance yourself from him. If he is pushing you for rights than you are going to need a lawyer to help you. Depending on where you live there are varying laws on child custody. You may be advised, even if you know it isn’t true, to claim you aren’t sure who the father is. This, then, makes it his responsibility to prove that he is. If he makes it that far in the process (some dads won’t follow through) and is declared the biological father than you can work with your lawyer to petition for full custody. Parental rights are not typically taken away for much less than the parent being a risk to the child. Drug use, homeless, prison, alcoholic, etc. may be grounds for termination of rights, but I wouldn’t count on that happening or happening quickly. I’ve seen some pretty pathetic dads (moms, too) retain their parental rights. My step-niece has a son with a man who is about as pathetic as they come. He had 4 kids by 4 different women, never paid child support, was in jail more than he was out, couldn’t keep a job, and was a heavy drinker. His parental rights weren’t terminated until the child was 10. It’s a court decision and there is little you can do to have them taken away.

  4. babyblues
    June 27, 2010 at 12:24 pm

    even tho he didnt sighn the birth certificate..when you take him to court he can request a dna test wich will prove him the father….at that point he has rights. the only way you can have those rights taken away is to have evidence of him being a bad parent..unfit. or he has to willingly sighn up his rights. the court cannot force him to do that. they can only prove him unfit. but there has to be proof! but you have to take him to custody court and you have to have confirmation that hes the father before they can do anything!

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