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Family Courts to Support Shared Parenting

Is the day upon us when we need to vote reform family courts to support shared parenting? It’s a sad day when the parent who places the best interests of the child first-loses in court!

Many times their loss comes about only because they don’t know how to make their best case. And their attorneys are just as bad!

Two child custody lawyers with over 30 years each in the child custody field have combined their decades of experience to produce the awesome book “2006 Custody Strategies.”

They have been expert witnesses, custody evaluators and consultants. These two authors are also editors of a national publication on custody matters. They have stuffed a tremendous amount of information into this book.

A few of the chapters are, “Most frequently Made Error.” The authors have expressed shock that even attorneys who are caught up in custody battles themselves don’t know this single most important fact. They call it the best kept secret in the world.

Another chapter, “The Single Biggest False Assumption,” zeroes in on a crucial assumption that all and sundry run after as if in thrall of some Merlin.

Would you like to know 14 strategies that you can use in order to make a strong case for yourself? Of course you would. Strategy #1… you’ll have to get the book!

It is a travesty when a child is manipulated and brainwashed into turning against the other parent. It is truly a sad day when this happens. The authors have included a brilliant chapter called, “The Bribed Or Manipulated Child.”

If you believe that an evaluation was biased, or maybe even incomplete or just downright inaccurate, what can you do? They have included an excellent chapter on this very thing.

Are your funds tight? Are you cutting it close to the bone? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, trust me! They even have a wonderful chapter on the costs you can expect. And how to control them.

The authors have included what I believe to be the best bonus ever! We live in an ever changing world. Laws are enacted, policies are done away with and a new way of doing things is adopted.

They review and update whenever necessary. And those updates are free. When you purchase this book you are always current and up to date! That alone is worth the price of the book.

If you are embroiled in a custody battle, or you anticipate one on the horizon, vote reform family courts to support shared parenting. Don’t consider the purchase of this book as a cost. It’s an investment! An investment in your child’s future. Don’t leave your child’s future hanging on a silly mistake you may have made. Grab the link to the book here! http://www.wyclefinnovations.com/cs

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