
Posts Tagged ‘family’

Home and Family: Parenting Unconditionally

Have you ever heard of unconditional parenting? Surely, there are many parenting styles that are used by parents. Being unconditional to children is one of the most effective. Parents are expected to provide unconditional love to their children. It is possible, but could it be interpreted or translated into parenting? How could anyone provide and implement unconditional parenting?

In general, unconditional parents are those who are striving to meet the overall needs of children instead of trying to control such kids with the help of rewards and punishments. Needless to say, most parents impose punishments on errors and misdemeanors and award rewards for good deeds and victories. In unconditional parenting, the concepts of rewards and punishments should be scrapped totally. It has been found that children who grew up in unconditional parenting styles are more likely to be confident about their own parents’ love, are more agreeable, and are more likely to grow as capable and grounded adults.

You should always remember that although punishing your child could be tempting, it could drive a wedge in your relationship with your child. Parents who are practicing unconditional parenting believe that punishment of any form could make a child feel totally alienated and also unloved. Time-outs, which are preferred by many as a non-violent punishment form, could lead to a feeling of being ostracized and being abandoned.

Time-ins could replace time-outs in unconditional parenting. A child having a tantrum or an attitude problem is a manifestation of that child’s need and desire to get more attention from his parents. The best strategy to deal with such a problem is to spend more time reconnecting with him. This could be spent cuddling, reading, rocking through a rocking chair, or hugging. Such activities could surely soothe any distraught child and purposely and effectively teach kindness and compassion.

Practice tantrum prevention. In most cases, tantrums are caused by any need unmet by a child. Do you want to avoid your child having a tantrum while doing unconditional parenting? You should learn to heed the indications that your child is not in any way at his best due to a need that is unmet. Basically, you should make sure that your child is definitely well rested. He should also be not thirsty or hungry prior to venturing out into any activity that could be overly stimulating.

When a child throws a tantrum, whether you are at home or in public, you should start looking at the unmet needs rather than punishing the unlikely behavior. You could easily spot and identify that unmet need. A child who has not enjoyed enough sleep is also more prone to throwing a tantrum. The episode could also be linked to the child’s frustration over parents’ inaccessibility or unavailability.

If punishments are bad, so are rewards. This is how unconditional parenting goes. Rewards could only condition a child’s mind into thinking that he would only be loved if he does well or behaves likely. Rewarding a child could be obviously manipulative.

What is a canopy bed frame? Low Jeremy discusses in his latest article on how you go about choosing twin canopy bed for your kids! He has been freelancing as a writer for several years now where he contributes articles for websites.

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Home and Family: Parenting With Patience

Have you ever experienced being too stressed as you attend to your parenting chores? There surely would be days when you feel like all are falling down just around your head. Your patience could be tested and unnecessarily stretched to reach a breaking point. Any parent who is staying at home and taking care of a child surely has the realization that bad days in parenting could bring about unique and enlightening challenges. Parenting might not provide you any break. If you feel like running out of patience, here are several tips that could help you stretch out your cool some more.

Have your very own working mantra. You could start by thinking about all your reasons to raise your children as well as you should. You could decide to be there for your children during their childhood years. You should choose a short but effective phrase that could always remind your self about how valuable what you do is. You could also condition your mind to thinking that you would only take care of your children when they are still small. When they grow older, they would soon be on their own. Perhaps, ‘This, too, would pass’ could be a good mantra for a start.

Always take time to breathe as deeply as possible and exercise. You know that deep breathing is a good and effective way to lower your stress and raise the oxygen intake of your body. You could always practice deep breathing while in the middle of any household or parenting chore. You could do so as you put into the playpen your toddler. Do not forget to exercise. It could bring about a higher level of relaxation in the long run. You are already exercising when you do your house chores. You could also opt to take a nature walk occasionally or drop by the nearest gym to shape up.

Strive for balance. It would help if you would maintain expectations about schedules, housekeeping, and flexible behaviors. It is just normal that there are days that are quite better than others. Try not to be overly critical on yourself especially when things go out of control and do not go well according to your own plans.

Learn to see using your child’s perspective. Do not get into a power struggle with your child. Try to look every situation in your child’s own perspective before you act on it. What does your child try to say? Experience life the way our child does. You would be surprised at how well you could understand what he is going through.

Try Zen parenting. You have to learn to be present in the moment. By doing so, you would be more objective in understanding your child. To do so, learn and observe your feelings and compare it with how your child possibly feels. Doing this could make you better understand your child and his needs. You should establish that connection so you could very well have a link and control of your child. Remember, always keep your cool.

Redesigning your kitchen pantry cabinet? Low Jeremy latest article shares tips on how to use black kitchen cabinets to give your kitchen an elegant feel. Low Jeremy has been freelancing as a writer for a number of years now where he contributes articles for websites.

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Family Spending Control – Family Cash Control – Family Finance Control – Family Budget Control…for successful families

Maximize  family spending control, family cash control, and family financial control within with our new VISA debit / online direct deposit and family cash control card. This family cash control card gives parents the flexibility of online banking with spending control within their family while reducing bank fees, credit card liability, and interest fees.

Our card lets members in your family  wire transfer money free of charge, making cash instantly available. Our money card increases family cash control and family spending control by setting limitations on what can be spent on the card without depending on or increasing credit card debt.

Our flexible online banking features offers a full online bill payment and online money transfer services at far lower rates than other banks. By using our family cash control card with a financial control budget software, a family  can better manage and control family cash and control family spending patterns. Parents can also track a history of transactions such as deposits and purchases through one account.

Parents can add children and other family member budget control cards to their account to control and encourage responsible spending habits. As children mature having learned cash-based spending patterns, they continue managing spending habits based on available cash. From early on, children can learn to exercise good judgment and spending control which benefits them throughout their adult life. Such family cash control practices early on help children become more successful later in life when budgeting, financial planning, and even professionally.

A1 Enterprise encourages parents to invest 5 minutes and enroll in our new cash and family budget control product, knowing the future of their family and children will benefit. There is no credit check or banking history required.

Chris Day is currently providing an international framework from which people can communicate, manage work, and payments, while following a process to ensure each person remains responsible for their allocation of time, money, and performance. Find out more by visiting Project Management Office (PMO Service)

Mind Control Stories: How I Convinced My Family to Visit Thailand

Mind control stories could be very helpful, especially when you want to get people to see your point of view. People can sometimes be either too closed-minded or they already have a fixed opinion. This can be rather frustrating, which is why I have decided to share one of my mind control stories with you.

This story tells of how I managed to convince my family to go on a trip to Thailand instead of China. It might not sound like such a huge feat, but I have to say that the whole Thai experience was really amazing; and of course, so was the sound of victory.

Now here’s how my mind control story began. My family has relatives in China and had been planning to go see them during the summer. I was to come along as well but for several reasons, I wanted to take a different trip. For one, we had already gone to China before. And another, I had been wanting to take a trip to Thailand for ages.

Telling my family straight out that we should go to Thailand would not work. Aside from the fact that we don’t know anybody there, my parents think that the language barrier might prove to be a hassle. I knew we would definitely enjoy Thailand, and have already looked up various activities we could enjoy.

Instead of trying to convince them day in and out of the better option, I continuously dropped comments about Thailand and what people do there for fun. I mentioned Thailand so many times that soon, they too, began to feel intrigued about the place. Suffice to say, we packed our bags soon thereafter and boarded on our plane flight to Thailand.

The persuasion technique I used in this mind control story is called repetition. Since I mentioned the wonders of Thailand to them so many times, they started feeling the excitement of traveling to an unknown country where we didn’t know anybody but our travel guide. Pretty soon, their minds took a different turn and they began envisioning themselves visiting all the tourist spots in Thailand.

Discover how to ethically use mind control techniques and conversational hypnosis to easily persuade anyone to do anything you want! Get a FREE course that reveals groundbreaking persuasion secrets at

Family Courts to Support Shared Parenting

Is the day upon us when we need to vote reform family courts to support shared parenting? It’s a sad day when the parent who places the best interests of the child first-loses in court!

Many times their loss comes about only because they don’t know how to make their best case. And their attorneys are just as bad!

Two child custody lawyers with over 30 years each in the child custody field have combined their decades of experience to produce the awesome book “2006 Custody Strategies.”

They have been expert witnesses, custody evaluators and consultants. These two authors are also editors of a national publication on custody matters. They have stuffed a tremendous amount of information into this book.

A few of the chapters are, “Most frequently Made Error.” The authors have expressed shock that even attorneys who are caught up in custody battles themselves don’t know this single most important fact. They call it the best kept secret in the world.

Another chapter, “The Single Biggest False Assumption,” zeroes in on a crucial assumption that all and sundry run after as if in thrall of some Merlin.

Would you like to know 14 strategies that you can use in order to make a strong case for yourself? Of course you would. Strategy #1… you’ll have to get the book!

It is a travesty when a child is manipulated and brainwashed into turning against the other parent. It is truly a sad day when this happens. The authors have included a brilliant chapter called, “The Bribed Or Manipulated Child.”

If you believe that an evaluation was biased, or maybe even incomplete or just downright inaccurate, what can you do? They have included an excellent chapter on this very thing.

Are your funds tight? Are you cutting it close to the bone? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, trust me! They even have a wonderful chapter on the costs you can expect. And how to control them.

The authors have included what I believe to be the best bonus ever! We live in an ever changing world. Laws are enacted, policies are done away with and a new way of doing things is adopted.

They review and update whenever necessary. And those updates are free. When you purchase this book you are always current and up to date! That alone is worth the price of the book.

If you are embroiled in a custody battle, or you anticipate one on the horizon, vote reform family courts to support shared parenting. Don’t consider the purchase of this book as a cost. It’s an investment! An investment in your child’s future. Don’t leave your child’s future hanging on a silly mistake you may have made. Grab the link to the book here!

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Is it correct that family court in the USA only cares about parental right (not children’s rights)?

June 27, 2010 4 comments

Is it correct that family court in the USA only cares about parental right (not children’s rights) and handles children like personal property of there parents until they are 18 years old?

Is it fair that family court is only concerned about protecting the father’s parental right, and does not care?

June 27, 2010 5 comments

Is it fair that family court is only concerned about protecting the father’s parental right, and does not care?

How can i live with my unborn fathers family with out parental permission?

June 27, 2010 8 comments

Hi I have a friend that is pregnant and 16 her parents are not very supportive of her living with her unborn baby’s father and his parents. She feel as though she can not raise the child on her own with out the fathers help But her mother will not allow for them to live together how could she go about living with them with out parental consent?