
Posts Tagged ‘child’s’

Parenting Guide: Building Your Child's Ability To Identify Stranger Danger

A good way to train your kid’s skill at handling unknown and strange situations is to practice “what if” scenes with them. This will help to pre-empt your kid when he actually faces a potentially dangerous situation and can identify that he might be in danger. This training session should be accompanied by the proper response and actions so that kids know exactly what to do in order to get them out of trouble. At a young age, basic street smarts can be taught to children and will prove invaluable at that age.

We can’t control what our children do every minute. But we can help them think with proper parenting guide, early in their lives, about what is and what is not safe, so we can trust them to take responsibility for their actions and to make safe decisions now and as they mature.

Stranger Danger

It is hard to have kids follow the age of teaching of “don’t talk to strangers”. It is important to take note that they need to also understand that not all strangers are bad people. If they get lost out in a shopping mall, most of the people they encounter will be able to help them and give them help. The tricky part is how to separate a stranger that is offering help to them against one who has a less than good motive.

What You Can Do

Firstly, you need to teach your kid to go with his instincts. Most kids will have a relatively low level of experience with strangers. In such cases, it is better to play safe and if a stranger is asking him or her to do something which doesn’t feel right even in the slightest bit, your child should reject any help from that stranger and be sure to stay in an area with good human traffic where he can call out for help should the stranger persist.

You also need to constantly point out authority figures at a shopping mall or even out in the streets so that your child knows that help from such people are perfectly safe and that he should be looking out for them if he’s alone, be it lost at a shopping mall or waiting outside the school. With parenting skill, parents can easily administer appropriate parenting solutions.

You should also role-play some common scenarios that strangers may utilize to trick your child into following him or doing something that will put him in danger. Simple exercises like this will kick in and become very helpful in getting your child prepared for such scenarios. In the event a stranger approaches your kid, at least he’s not being confused as to what’s happening and he knows exactly how to react. is an all-in-one parenting site featuring parenting guides, parenting solutions and parenting discipline tips from childcare experts. We aim to deliver top ranking parenting related information from parenting websites in one compact, easy to read and follow monthly newsletter.

Find out how you can get your COMPLETELY FREE access to the internet’s leading magazine for parenting info and claim your FREE copy of the “75 toughest parenting questions revealed and answered” eBook.

Parenting Children With Adhd your Child's Future

Your child has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). He is impulsive, hyperactive, and temperamental because he does not have the frontal lobe ability to monitor his behavior. He has low self-esteem because he is constantly being corrected by adults for his inappropriate behavior.

He has ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) because he thinks he is never wrong. He does not trust or respect adults because he thinks he is smarter than they are. He is obnoxious, unhappy, rejected, and out of controlall the makings of a social outcast.

It has been said that a child with ADHD operates like a speeding car without the brakes. Remember this metaphor by heart. There are several ways to stop a car without brakes. It is your job to help your child find those ways unique to him so that he can slow down, pay attention, make informed choices, and learn.

Effect of ADHD on Your Child’s Future

Few parenting experts will tell you honestly how dim your child’s future will probably be without proper ADHD treatment. Some untreated adults with ADHD develop their own coping skills to make their disorders more manageable, for example, drinking eight cups of coffee a day. Most lead unhappy and unproductive lives, drifting through jobs and relationships with little success. Many adults with untreated ADHD also have drug and alcohol addiction problems.

An untreated child with ADHD, ten years old or younger, will often experiment with substance abuse to try to curb his emotional pain. If he is frequently out of control when he is 11 or 12, his parents might look into residential treatment facilities for treatment. When he is 15, his parents might give up and hope for the day he is old enough to leave home for good.

You Can Improve Child Behavior

Your child’s future depends on your decision to take an active role in helping him overcome ADHD and ODD.

A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn’t will find an excuse. Stephen Dolley, Jr.

Many experts will be quick to tell you the challenges of ADHD and ODD, but few offer specific parenting advice, thorough explanations, and practical solutions. Most parents of children with these challenges have at least 20 big problems that they need to solve immediately.

If you are ready to start on a constructive journey to solve your parenting problems and help your child, I invite you to use these parenting tips and join an elite group of parents who are on the same path.

If you want to calm your challenging child, I invite you to claim your free child behavior-improving report “Three Easy Ways to Improve Your Child’s Behavior Today!” You can download part one when you subscribe at It explains the methods I used to improve my son’s ADHD/ODD behavior by 72% in 3 weeks. The sooner you start this, the easier it is to help your child. You can do this. From Debra Sale Wendler – Respect Effect Mom and ADHD Parenting Success at

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Parenting: What You Do That Sabotages Your Child's Success Without You Knowing it

This article is not meant for the parent that is weak of heart. It is for those few parents who really want to give their children real advantages and real self-esteem. It is written for those parents who are willing to look at how their parenting can unknowingly be harming their child’s self-esteem. It is written for those parents who want to help their child win, be happy and flourish.

Most parents think that they can influence their child’s confidence by giving their child lots of praise, but the real truth is what truly enables a child to learn what self-esteem and confidence is, is to watch a parent demonstrate it for them.

As a child, there is an unconscious learning process that takes place by observing parents and others, called modeling. It is when your child watches what you do and models the behavior you exhibit. Your child watches you all the time. In fact young children often imitate and emulate what it is their parents say and do, even the physical actions of that parent. By doing this they learn how to act, be and function in the world.

Your child is around your self-esteem level everyday, all the time and your child believes that how you feel about yourself is the standard in the world. If you put yourself down, your child learns to make negative self-comments too. If you are a complainer then chances are they are going to be a complainer too. If you have limited negative thinking this too is what they learn.

This is important to understand as a parent because every thought you think has a chemical feeling behind it. For example you think a happy thought and you feel happy. You think a sad thought and you feel sad. Are you teaching your child to have predominantly happy thoughts, sad thoughts, angry thoughts, or worrisome thoughts by your modeling it for them?

How your child habitually thinks will determine the outcome he has for the rest of his life or until your child intentionally changes it. Are you sabotaging your child’s possibilities because you have a bad attitude and unknowingly are teaching this bad attitude habit to your child?

You teach your children what attitude to have in the world by modeling your attitude for them. Is it time for you to change your thinking? Do you need an attitude adjustment? Are you positive and upbeat, so your children learn to be? Do you see opportunities so your children see opportunities? Do you worry about life and money modeling and teaching that behavior to your child? Do you have power thinking or do you have quitter mentality? Are you solution oriented or a “sky is falling thinker?” The term is “monkey see, monkey do.” I do not like the use of the word monkey, so, your child sees, your child does.”

Vickie Jimenez is the author of “Champgane thoughts and Caviar power The Science of Results Oriented Thinking” and has over 20 years in the Personal Development field. She is an expert in personal and business mind set performance as well as work enviornment management. She is a speaker, corporate trainer and the CEO of Success Systems Seminars. She teaches companies,educators,Parents and individuals how to raise accountability and performance through self-command. increasing production, revenues, culture, sales and career satifaction. To learn more visit

"My Kid is Driving Me Crazy!" Tips That Will Help Control Your Child's Behavior

You live a stressful life, what with work demands, shopping, paying the bills, friends, family, hobbies and everything else! And now, your child or children are driving you crazy. You come home, hoping to relax and have a peaceful environment, and the kids are out of control. Can’t they see you’re stressed? Oh, yes, they see. Maybe not consciously, but more on a subconscious level.

TIP # 1–Your Child Mirrors Your Mood

Your child or children pick up on your mood. So, when your stressed, angry, or frustrated, they are more likely to be that way, too. It’s not something the child does on purpose, it’s a natural reaction. Think about when your husband or wife is in a bad mood. If you’re around them for any time, pretty soon you are in a bad mood, too. It works the same way with you children. They receive their cues from you! As difficult as it may be sometimes, it is important, if you want to alleviate the tension and chaos from your household, to project a calm and positive manner to your child.

TIP # 2– You Are The Adult

Sounds silly, but time after time, I have seen a mother or father treat their child as if they had the mind of an adult. Children, even teenagers, do not have the development of their brain to comprehend completely the consequences of their actions. Children are self-absorbed. They are only thinking of their world, their immediate needs. When a parent gives their child too many choices, or tells them to do something and expects them to ‘fill in the missing pieces’ of the action required of them, the child is going to be frustrated, fail, act out, or disappoint you. Not on purpose, but because they don’t have the knowledge, experience or development to be able to acceptably complete the task correctly or to your satisfaction. This, of course, stress’ you out and you probably take it out on your child. But, think about what happened. Did you explain to your child every step he or she needed to do in order to successfully complete what you wanted? Or did you assume they would inherently know what to do?

TIP #3–Your Child Needs And Wants Structure

Young children to teenagers feel more secure and comfortable with structure and routine. They need to know what to expect and when to expect it. It is reassuring to them. When a child is an environment where activities, schedules, rules routines are constantly changing, the child will constantly be in a state of tension and, possibly, anxiety. Your child will behave in the ways you wish him or her to, when your child has developed a routine of acceptable behavior because you have created that structure and routine. What this means is that, as hectic and busy as the family schedule may be, you must make an effort to make a structured schedule and stick to it, at least 70% of the time. Dinner at a set time, homework to be completed before fun with the electronic games. Maybe cell phones in a basket until chores are done. If you have been running your family environment chaotic, the change to routine and structure needs to be implemented, not all at once, but gradually. First, family dinner at a set time, then bed time, and so on.

It’s not going to be easy or an overnight turn around for your family life to change. Remember, you are the one in control of making it happen. Your children do want to please you! They aren’t happy either when they are acting out or out of control. The sooner you start understanding your child’s motivation and needs and creating an environment that supports those positively, the sooner your family life will be a joy to come home to.

Kate Carpenter has been an educator for over 20 years. She has first hand knowledge of how kids behave and how to change unacceptable behavior. More information is at . Visit it and get a FREE newsletter on Parenting. AND weekly articles and a free parenting ebook. Learn how to receive over 3000 of all the resources and tools you need to support and help you create a pleasant and happy home.

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Parenting Children With Adhd your Child's Future

Your child has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). He is impulsive, hyperactive, and temperamental because he does not have the frontal lobe ability to monitor his behavior. He has low self-esteem because he is constantly being corrected by adults for his inappropriate behavior.

He has ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) because he thinks he is never wrong. He does not trust or respect adults because he thinks he is smarter than they are. He is obnoxious, unhappy, rejected, and out of controlall the makings of a social outcast.

It has been said that a child with ADHD operates like a speeding car without the brakes. Remember this metaphor by heart. There are several ways to stop a car without brakes. It is your job to help your child find those ways unique to him so that he can slow down, pay attention, make informed choices, and learn.

Effect of ADHD on Your Child’s Future

Few parenting experts will tell you honestly how dim your child’s future will probably be without proper ADHD treatment. Some untreated adults with ADHD develop their own coping skills to make their disorders more manageable, for example, drinking eight cups of coffee a day. Most lead unhappy and unproductive lives, drifting through jobs and relationships with little success. Many adults with untreated ADHD also have drug and alcohol addiction problems.

An untreated child with ADHD, ten years old or younger, will often experiment with substance abuse to try to curb his emotional pain. If he is frequently out of control when he is 11 or 12, his parents might look into residential treatment facilities for treatment. When he is 15, his parents might give up and hope for the day he is old enough to leave home for good.

You Can Improve Child Behavior

Your child’s future depends on your decision to take an active role in helping him overcome ADHD and ODD.

A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn’t will find an excuse. Stephen Dolley, Jr.

Many experts will be quick to tell you the challenges of ADHD and ODD, but few offer specific parenting advice, thorough explanations, and practical solutions. Most parents of children with these challenges have at least 20 big problems that they need to solve immediately.

If you are ready to start on a constructive journey to solve your parenting problems and help your child, I invite you to use these parenting tips and join an elite group of parents who are on the same path.

If you want to calm your challenging child, I invite you to claim your free child behavior-improving report “Three Easy Ways to Improve Your Child’s Behavior Today!” You can download part one when you subscribe at It explains the methods I used to improve my son’s ADHD/ODD behavior by 72% in 3 weeks. The sooner you start this, the easier it is to help your child. You can do this. From Debra Sale Wendler – Respect Effect Mom and ADHD Parenting Success at

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Has anyone asked for their child's other parent to give up their parental rights?

June 27, 2010 5 comments

My daughter is 2yrs old and her biological sperm has never seen her. I just found out he may have another child 2wks old. He does have other children besides her that i do know about. He doesn’t take care of them either. I want him to give up his parental rights to her in the event of if something happens to me she can live with the family she knows which is my family. I think she would benefit from this in the long run. I have never prevented him to visit or call. He has made the choice to be absent and I don’t want my daughter to suffer in anyway. What is the best way to address this issue with him. He can be closed minded, spiteful, and ignorant. I am just looking out for the safety of my daughter. Please help me cause I don’t know what to do.

P.S. He looks at having children as paying a bill in which he doesn’t do anyway and being a burden. I do not recieve any support from him nor his familly.

how go i parental control on my childs email?

June 27, 2010 6 comments

I want to be able to see what he is getting.

Categories: How to Tags: , , ,

My friend's child's father is wanting to "sign away his parental rights." What exactly does this mean?

June 27, 2010 6 comments

My friend had an “oops” baby. She was messing around with a co-worker and got pregnant, and then he went and remarried his ex-wife. Crazy, I know. Well, now he wants to “sign away his parental rights.” What exactly does this mean? Would he still have to pay child support, or is he off free? She has a lawyer and they’re going to court soon. I just would like to know this for my knowledge. Thanks!

How do you know when you're overstepping your parental rights at your child's school?

i’ve always trusted my sons’ school for my boys’ education. but lately, i’ve been making suggestions. do you do this, too? how do you know if maybe the teachers are becoming annoyed of your persistence and so you’re coming off as nosey? have you ever stepped on a teacher’s toes?

When does pulling your child's hair become irresponsible parental behavior?

I’m in a little quandry here. It’s common sense that pulling a child’s hair is an effective behavioral modification technique. However, when does hairpulling cross over from effective parenting to overstepping parental boundaries? In Tehran, it is written under Islamic law that hair pulling is acceptable as long as there are no more than 3 bald spots as a result of previous hairpulling. However, I checked the books on this, and it appears that elsewhere, up to 5 bald spots are acceptable. When does it become too much? Thank you in advance for your help.
