
Posts Tagged ‘terminate’

how do i terminate the parental rights of a biological father to let a stepfather adopt?

June 27, 2010 6 comments

OK, the biological father has not seen the child since he was 1 year old, and the child is now 6. My husband and I have been together for 4 years. Is there a certain length of time that we have to be married

terminate parental rights and never have to pay child suport?

June 27, 2010 3 comments

Out of 100 children born outside the marriage how many American man will terminate parental rights if they never have to pay child support, if that is what the mother offers at time of birth.

How many of 100 children born outside the marriage will a father never exercise his parental rights if he does not have to pay child support and mother is free to move out of state/country?

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In the 1960's if a girl was a minor did her parents have to be present for her to terminate her parental right?

June 27, 2010 9 comments

My mom was 17 when she placed me up for adoption. Did my grandparents have to be there to sign with her?
I was born and adopted in Detroit MI. My birth mother did not go away to a home for unwed mothers, she was allowed to stay a home for the pregnancy and I was taken away at the hospital.

I am pregnant and soon to give birth. I need to know how to terminate my ex boyfriends parental rights?

He is constantly in and out of jail. He has done nothing for my child through my whole pregnancy.

how to gain complete custody of my son and terminate is father's parental rights?

my Son’s father has not financially provided for him in two years and my son is only three. the father has not made an effort to visit him in a year although we ran into him once around March, and that was only for about ten minutes. i was wonder if i can file charges against him for child abandonment to gain full custody and terminate his rights.

How do I terminate the parental rights of my unborn baby's father when he is unwilling to sign off his rights?

June 27, 2010 7 comments

I see the father as an unfit influence on the child. He has a long crimnal record and continues to go in and out of jail. He has a drug problem, which he tells me he has quit, he was doing meth, but i have reason to believe he is still useing. He expects me to blindly trust his word, that he doesn’t and shouldn’t earn my trust, and believe that he’s stopped drugs cold turkey. I can never get a hold of him, he is the one that contacts me and he does so rarely. He has that attitude, i believe i should get everything i ask for and give nothing in return. He jumps from place to place, until he gets so demanding and pushy that people kick him out. He can’t keep a job, because everyone is treating him ‘unfairly’. He has two children from two different ex-girlfriends, whom he has never paid child support, because he can’t keep a job, not to mention that their all under the counter; construction, janitorial jobs.

Would many american woman father to terminate parental rights and get no child support in this case?

June 27, 2010 6 comments

Would many American mothers do this?
Would many American mothers allow the father to terminate parental rights and get no child support, if he files a $30,000 lawsuit to become the primary custodian, and you many eventually have to pay him child support? The trial court last up to two years or more.

Are there many American fathers that after a divorce will terminate his parental rights over his children?

June 27, 2010 6 comments

Are there many American fathers that after a divorce will terminate his parental rights over his children, when the mother asked him to do so? In return the father does not have to pay child support. The father knows that the mother never wants him to see his children again, and that is the only way the children will not suffer from a divorce.

If you terminate parental rights in Virginia, do you have to pay child support?

June 27, 2010 5 comments

The case involves a child and two parents. Parent A has full custody and receives child support. Parent B pays the child support, but has never seen or talked to the child involved, who is 10 years of age at this point. If Parent B terminates parental rights, will Parent B have to continue to pay child support to Parent A?